Monday, October 8, 2007

Mean People Suck. So do Stupid People.

Who agrees?

Tell me your latest brush with the mean or stupid. How did you handle it? Did you want to handle it differently later? Did you think of the perfect comeback right away or hours later?

Did you use the words "Jerk Store"?

Best story wins a tribute post for 3WW


Leanne said...

I don't have a story, but yes - I deal with 'em a lot. I did last weekend. Someone who got defensive instead of apologetic as they should have been, and not 5 minutes later I had more and better remarks than I did when I first spoke. I hate when that happens!

I usually don't have a name for them, I just repeat "stupid people suck" over and over to myself, and then I go house hunting on

(Nice to see you!!!)

Sylvia said...

Ok- Leanne, barring any last minute, blow me away posts...tomorrow is an Ode to Leanne.