Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, BONE will post three (or more) words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. I'll also attempt to write something using the same words.

Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.

This week's words are:

The theme today....Children's song in the style of Weird Al.

Yankee Doodle went to town
Upon his useless pony
Misplaced the feather in his cap
And Shouted...Mony Mony !

Come On! Come On!

I say yeah! Yeah!


Shephard said...

lol. Very playful!
(and I love Weird Al)


TC said...


I really have nothing more I can say than that :)

Voices of NLD said...

funny! funny mony!

Jo said...

Me rofl too.

Tumblewords: said...

How funny! Love it!

gautami tripathy said...

I want to sing it aloud!

Bone said...

What does that song even mean?

Mony Mony, I mean. Not Yankee Doodle.

RomanceWriter said...

LOL. Very cute.

poefusion said...

Most playful take on the 3WW words this week. I enjoyed this one very much. Keep up the good work.


Jen said...

I love it, great job! I'm glad to see you're posting again, too :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog while we were on the road, it was so nice to see your comment!