Well, it's been 2 weeks since we found out Tinker was on the way, and I still just can't get my mind around this.
I have had my mind wrapped up in a few other things. Like worry for my sister and here family, and my other sister and her family, and 2 plays, and this great big, holy cow idea that could change health care and save billions of dollars in waste and reach out to uninsured families. I've been working on said idea for months, but haven't been able to say a word until it was copyrighted. And that truly kills me. I can't keep a secret to save my life. I hate secrets. And this one had me just bursting.
I presented the idea to great big insurance company yesterday. They have found it quite intriguing, so that means more work, and networking, research, development. And I have 6 months to do this. But if I'm right, holy cow.
Tinker has been relatively quiet during this time and has allowed me to continue my fevered pace at work, although my workouts have been suffering as kiddo prefers sleep and really hates being active in the early morning, except on Saturdays, when my sleep in is filled with "Play mommy" promptings and me writing at 5:30am. I've eaten Chinese 4 times this week, one day, twice. Hot and sour soup is a favorite. I am lucky though, at least there are vegetables. With Wendy and Peter it was mashed taytas and gravy, baked with cheese/broccoli, ice cream, Wendy was tuna on toast, Peter, greasy bacon cheeseburgers. Tinker likes soups, and if it has to be greasy (like yesterday) I've managed to sub chicken for hamburger. I had a grilled chicken sandwich with bacon, pepperjack, mushrooms and tomatoes. Oh, did I mention the cheese fries? I was able to have a cup of soup and salad for dinner (with half a steak and 5 bites of a loaded baked potato.)
I worked so hard to lose 65 pounds this year, I look and feel better than I have in years, and now I'm starting to not lose, and even gain a little. I don't like that. I'm struggling with the "it's a baby, you need to be ok with this" thing, because for the past 13 yrs, there hasn't been a baby.
My doctor teased me, said it was twins. I can't stop dreaming about that. We'll find out in a couple weeks for sure how many are in there. It's the same day as the opening night of the musical, so that'll be a really big day.
I don't even own "a" burp cloth. No hand-me-downs, and now I have to figure out where the home gym is going, because that's gonna be the nursery.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. And delighted. But I am still so shocked I can't believe it. We turned the corner, remember? You did it with me 2 yrs ago when we couldn't handle the heartbreak of infertility. My mom's first words "I told you so. See I said the moment you stopped trying and worrying about it". I hate it when the baby agrees with my mom.
So, what have you been up to? Updates requested.