Friday, May 11, 2007

Closing Doors..

I haven't written for a while trying to make sense out of some things that have happened in my life. Again changes are coming and I don't quite know how to feel about them...other than hysterical and anxious tied up with trying to go a few steps into the dark even when I feel the pain all around me.

We will be closing our business. Another in a long line of struggles, we just have no more to give and can't hold on any longer. We are also facing some scary health things, and continue hoping all will be well. But even if it isn't, there we are.

Thank you for understanding, but it's time I left Neverland behind and got to work. Maybe someday, I'll catch a glimpse and recapture the happiness of losing myself in writing. But for now, there are chores, children, and immediate need.


Leanne said...


Renee Nefe said...

so sorry. Hugs and prayers for you and yours.

Bone said...


We'll miss you.

Jen said...

Thank you for coming to tell us that you'll be away for a while. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

If you ever want to reach me (I've heard I'm a good listener ;-) ) I'm at hipmama1970 at gmail dot com
