Sunday, February 4, 2007


Ok, advice givers.

I was asked Friday to direct the community theatre production of Nunsense. While the show is hilarious, and I would love the opportunity to grow artisticly that way, I'm not sure a)that I have the time or b) this is the right vehicle.

You see, there are a few jokes that make me uncomfortable (yes, the nuns tell a few off color jokes in this show...Rue McClanahan played Mother Superior on Broadway). Could I just change them? Or should I not do the show?

I am not a Catholic, but have relatives that are. They think it would be a hoot. What do you think?


Renee Nefe said...

Hey! Good to see you.

If you truely don't have time don't feel guilty about turning it down...and it's okay to use what time you do have for yourself.

But you seem very torn in really wanting to do this. I think you could swap out the jokes...there might even be a cleaner version out there if you look for it.

Follow your heart. You'll do what's right.

Scone said...

I don't know what your situation is right now, except that you're gone a lot from home with your work. (Right?) If the right opportunity came along and you were passionate about it, I'd think maybe it was worth it.

But I'll tell you this about my life: I have never regretted spending too much time with my children, and as for time with my husband... it's such a precious commodity I can't describe.

Jen said...

When you've got two really good reasons NOT to do something, I think you need to listen to that. Unless you have 4 or 5 great reasons TO DO it. :-)

Did that help at all? Sorry...

Jen said...

Did you decide?

Sylvia said...

After much prayer and thought on the matter, seeking advice from my husband and MIL (who is Catolic), I accepted the challenge. This an opportunity to get the arts council, the inter church council and the community theatre troop working together. It will also be a church relations actity. My hope is that when people learn how we are working together, they will see that the false information they were given about my religion is just that.

My husband gave me a blessing, and we both prayed on the matter. And both of us not knowing how it's supposed to happen logistically, know I'm to labor here for this project. I just hope that accepting the challenge will warrant Heavenly Father's blessing and magnification (I'm convinced he has one of those ultra zoom lenses as my pathetic offering will need to be enhanced quite substantially to be a success).